Saturday, November 15, 2014

US: The trip to APEC summit

US president Obama has back to US and ended his visit in China. On November 10, Mr. Obama arrived in Beijing to attend the 22nd APEC Economic Leader’s Meeting and started the state visit to China.
APEC, as the name suggests, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. There are 21 countries in APEC, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru , The Philippines Russia, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, The United States, Viet Nam. The 2014 meeting held in Beijing was the 22nd APEC Economic Leader’s Meeting.
Since the European Union and the US started to apply the sanctions to Russia, It was the first time Mr. Obama, Mr. Xi jingping and Mr. Putin be active in the same diplomatic occasion.
Mr. Obama intends to build a new relationship with China to deal with the problem of China-Russia cooperation. In the meeting with Mr. Xi jingping, Obama said that US’s intention is not to contain China. During this trip to China, Mr. Obama has mentioned different aspects of cooperation with China such environment, energy and economic. For example, on Wednesday, US and China announced a deal to limit greenhouse gases.

Mr. Xi and Mr. Obama in the APEC summit banquet
Greg Baker/AFP photo

In China, there are many comments on China’s move in APEC summit said that China perform very well. Zheng Yongnian, an expert on East Asia, said in his article on People’s daily, the major newspaper in China, China did show the responsibility of the big power. The conference agenda is not only good for China but also for the other countries.
Wang Yi, the Foreign Minister of China, said that APEC in Beijing is a wonderful world stage, China intend to build the stronger relationship with partners. The blueprint of “new model on great power relations”, the new concept that hopes to avoid the hostile situation of the development of China-US relation presented by Mr. Xi in meeting with Mr. Obama in Sunny land last year, was discussed much deeper and that helps developing the relations between China and US.
China is focusing on many issues such as enforcing maritime claims, proposing an Asian Infrastructure Investment, challenging the Trans-Pacific Partnership. In the meeting, Mr. Xi claimed again that foreign governments should not be meddle in the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong. On November 11, Mr. Xi has a private talk with Mr. Obama in Ying tai, an ocean platform in the central headquarters of China. On November 14, there was an article “Xi Jinping Obama Yingtai in Zhongnanhai , in the end talk anything at all?”in the People’s Daily’s Micro Signal “study group”, said that Mr. Xi told Mr. Obama that China pay attention to democracy not only reflected in the “one person one vote” elections. Democracy in China is not the same as democracy in Western countries.
Indeed, like many media outlets focused, China is superior in its performance in APEC summit, yet, US also get the favorable outcomes. As mentioned above, the agreement of climate change is one of the goals of US. Daniel W. Drezner, a professor of international politics at Tufts University, has an article”Best APEC summit ever” on The Washington Post. In his article, he said: “the pleasant surprise at the end of the APEC summit is that both China and the United States had win-win summits. “ Mr. Obama has his own way of international affairs and it is not influenced by China. On November 14, Mr. Obama went to Australia to attend the G20 summit. Also, he had a speech in Queensland University.”we believe in democracy, the times when we speak out on these issues, we are told that democracy is just a western value, I fundamentally disagree with that, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea thriving democracies.” said Mr. Obama in the speech,”today people in Hong Kong are speaking out for there universal rights.”

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